Project A (1983)

November 17, 2003 • Film, Reviews

Literally: Project A
AKA: Pirate Patrol
Director: Jackie Chan (Sing Lung)
Producer: Leonard Ho Koon-Cheung
Writer: Jackie Chan (Sing Lung)
Action Director: Jackie Chan

Cast: Jackie Chan (Sing Lung), Samo Hung Kam-Bo, Yuen Biao, Mars, Dick Wei, Isabella Wong Man-Lay
Running Time: 106 min.

Plot: It is Hong Kong at the turn of the century. Jackie’s detachment of Marine Police have made a dismal mess of trying to capture the most notorious pirates that infest the China Sea. Little do they know there is a traitor in their midst. A rivalry develops between Jackie’s group and the Land Police over this mission, culminating in the most spectacular bar room brawl ever filmed.

One of Jackie Chan’s series of movies with opera brothers Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. This one, probably the one in the group best-loved by audiences and fans, is set on the high seas at the turn of the century. It’s a pirate romp, with Jackie playing a member of the coast guard fighting against pirates. Sammo is an opportunist after pirate gold, and Biao is a stern, uptight naval officer. There’s lots of wild rows and plenty of swashbuckling in this silly, fun adventure. A definite must for fans of the Jackie Chan “genre.”

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