Category Archive

Cereal Bowl

May 14, 2009 • HumorComments Off on Cereal Bowl

Big hairy Maus head in my cereal bowl this morning. He ate the last of my Cheerios. And licked the bowl clean.

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Taking the Stairs

April 18, 2009 • HumorComments Off on Taking the Stairs

He missed the bathroom counter again. Typical, he pretends he didn’t really want the counter. He knew another way. A better way. So, he pries open the cabinet door and starts rummaging through my stuff like he was looking for a backdoor. Was he expecting to

Sinatra By Maus

March 4, 2009 • HumorComments Off on Sinatra By Maus

When did this start? Maybe 9 months ago. Doesn’t happen too often but when it does, it cracks me up. Of course, delight turns to annoyance when he won’t stop. He waits until the lights go off and then, like Zeus before him, he’d start singing in the

Attempted Murder

February 26, 2009 • HumorComments Off on Attempted Murder

He tried to kill me again tonight. Ran straight towards me while I was doing my power walk and talking on the phone. Nearly tripped over him. Squished cat. That’d teach him.

What A Cheater

February 11, 2009 • HumorComments Off on What A Cheater

He’s learned not to run around me to fetch a toy. When he was a kitten it was so adorable watching him run around and behind me chasing string. No more. Now he’ll only go halfway in one direction. Wait. Then go in the opposite direction. To save

Tinkle, Tinkle

February 6, 2009 • HumorComments Off on Tinkle, Tinkle

I know he’s doing something over there. I just can’t see him. My back is to the kitchen. I hear a cling cling clang, metal against glass. Cling. Cling. Clang. Faster. ClingClingClang ClingClingClang ClingClingClang I’ll bet he’s got his slimy cat

He won’t sit on the towel

January 22, 2009 • HumorComments Off on He won’t sit on the towel

In an effort to keep my writing journal clean (and free of Maus butt), I introduced a kitchen towel for his sitting pleasure. But he won’t sit on it. It’s like he knows how to annoy me. So I sprinkled some catnip on it. Now he’s loving it. But he still

Notes from my cat

January 4, 2009 • HumorComments Off on Notes from my cat

This is what my cat left on my laptop this morning.